lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

My interview

Interviewer: Hello, good morning to day we are with Antonio Cardenas, he is a profesionaul pilot    
Antonio: Hello, good morning.
Interviewer: We start with the interview.
Antonio: Yes, it´s a pleasure.
Interviewer: Why are you a pilot in the army?
Antonio: Because i love my country.
Interviewer: Why do you study this profession?
Antonio: Because, i wanted to belong to the air forces.
Interviewer: Do you like your profession?
Antonio: Yes, i like it.
Interviewer: How do you feel with your profession?
Antonio: Very happy.
Interviewer: Do you like serving to your country?
Antonio: Yes, i like serving.
Interviewer: Do you like helping your coworkers?
Antonio: Yes, i like.
Interviewer: Do your family like your profession?
Antonio: Yes, they like
Interviewer: Do you like to spend your free time with your family
Antonio: Yes, love it.
Interviewer: What kind of sports do you like doing?
Antonio: I like soccer and swimming.
Interviewer: How much time do you like to practice them?
Antonio: 3 hours week
Interviewer: Do you like listening to music?
Antonio: Yes, i do
Interviewer: What Kind of music do you like?
Antonio: I like classical music
Interviewer: Do you like listening it fraquently?
Antonio: Yes, i like
Interviewer: What else you like doing in your free time?
Antonio: I like watching mexican movies and going running
Interviewer: Do you have more plans fir the future?
Antonio: Yes, i have
Interviewer: Thank you for you time Mr. Cardenas. You attitud motivate us to be sucess ful. See you next time.

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